Morzinský House
Architect: není znám
Year of completion: poslední velká přestavba proběhla ve druhé polovině 18. století
The history of the originally Renaissance Morzinský House dates back to the first half of the 16th century. Like other houses on the street, the Morzinský House underwent significant transformations during the high Baroque period in the early 18th century, followed by a late Baroque reconstruction, which is still evident on its facade. An image of the Madonna of Svatotomášská was placed in a rectangular framed panel above the entrance portal and served as a house sign until the 1960s. In 2006, it was removed and stored in the collections of the Prague City Museum. According to available sources, it appears that the house was sold to a new owner at the end of October 2020. Hopefully, the new buyer will bring new life to it!