Werich’s villa
Architect: úpravy – Ignác Jan Nepomuk Palliardi, Bohumil Hypšman
Year of completion: renesance, klasicistní přestavba 1803
This late Renaissance building, located in the Nostic Garden in Prague’s Kampa, originally served as a tannery. It underwent a significant transformation in the early 19th century according to the design by architect Palliardi, who added another wing with three arches and covered the structure with a mansard roof. Shortly before this modification, the house was inhabited by Josef Dobrovský, the founder of Slavic and Bohemian studies. Over the years, it has been home to a number of other prominent figures, commemorated by a memorial plaque. Notable residents include Czech poet and translator Vladimír Holan, actor Jiří Voskovec, and Zdeněk Wirth, the founder of heritage conservation in our country. However, the most famous resident undoubtedly was actor and writer Jan Werich, who, along with Voskovec, was responsible for the renowned play Vest Pocket Revue at the Liberated Theater (Osvobozené divadlo). The exhibition in the villa, which has been open to the public since 2017, is primarily dedicated to Werich.