Platýz Passage
The history of this tranquil place in the center of Prague, which connects Národní Street and Uhelný trh (Coal Market), dates back to the Gothic era. After the demolition of the original houses in the mid-14th century, a palace resembling a castle was built here, which underwent numerous modifications over time. One of these modifications was carried out in the Renaissance style, at the behest of the new owner, Jan Platais of Plattenštejn, after whom the palace and its arcade are still named. In the 17th century, the palace underwent a Baroque renovation, and in 1847, the final reconstruction in the spirit of Classicism was completed, which is still visible today. The buildings adjacent to the palace were connected, and the complex became the first historical apartment building in Prague. The resulting courtyard is now a commercial arcade with restaurants, a café, and the renowned stationery store Zlatá loď (Golden Ship).