Legion Bridge
Architect: Antonín Balšánek, Jiří Soukup
Year of completion: 1901
One of the few originally preserved bridges in Prague now commemorates the brave deeds of Czechoslovak legionaries, but it was previously named after the Austrian Emperor Franz I. The same name belonged to an elegant chain bridge that stood in the same location between 1841 and 1898. The chain bridge was insufficient in capacity and dangerously swayed under heavier loads. Therefore, a new bridge was constructed. It was built in the eclectic style, which is characterized by the imitation of various architectural styles. The bridge is adorned with a pair of tollbooths on both sides, decorated with mascarons, city coats of arms, and domed roofs. In the middle of the bridge, there is a staircase with decorative vases, which provides access to Střelecký Island.