Garden of the First Republic – The Living Garden of Views

The National Agricultural Museum hides not only a rich interior full of educational materials but also two outdoor exhibitions. The first, the Garden of the First Republic, is located directly in front of the museum building on Letohradská Street. This space is inspired by First Republic architecture and features a gazebo, garden benches, and meticulously maintained flower beds. A historic carousel with animal motifs and free-roaming Guinea fowl further enhances the atmosphere. The garden was created to commemorate the republic’s centenary, and the project is based on scientific research exploring the works of prominent Czech landscape architects.

The second outdoor exhibition is not found in front of the building but on its roof. The Living Garden of Views is situated atop the museum and is thematically divided into several sections. Whether you are interested in growing agricultural plants, life inside a beehive, or simply enjoying new perspectives of the Prague skyline, the National Agricultural Museum roof will surely be a success.

Garden routeOpening hours
Kostelní 1300/44, 170 00 Praha 7-Letná
Kostelní 1300/44, 170 00 Praha 7-Letná

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