filter_categories: Empty Route

  • Hotel Vaníček

    The Vaníček Hotel

    September 26, 2023
    On the slope of Strahov Hill, in Na Hřebenkách Street, you can find one of the most famous abandoned hotels…
  • Desfourský Palác 4

    Desfourský Palace

    September 26, 2023
    Desfourský Palace is a three-story neoclassical corner building. While its facade may appear relatively austere from the street, its interiors…
  • Palác Živnostenské Banky

    The Živnostenská Banka Palace

    September 26, 2023
    It is one of the last Neo-Renaissance buildings in our country and not without reason it is called the showcase…
  • Dům Uměleckého Průmyslu

    The House of Artistic Industry

    September 26, 2023
    The House of Artistic Industry, also known as the House of Czechoslovak Work, was commissioned by the eponymous association. Shortly…
  • Palác U Stýblů 5

    The U Stýblů Palace

    September 26, 2023
    The U Stýblů Palace is an eight-story functionalist building designed by architect Ludvík Kysela, similar to the nearby Baťa Palace…
  • Dům U Kundraticů

    The House U Kundraticů

    September 26, 2023
    The House U Kundraticů, also known as Švábovský, was created in the early 14th century by combining two originally Renaissance…
  • Dům U Zlatého žaludu

    The house U Zlatého žaludu

    September 26, 2023
    The Burgher House U Zlatého žaludu (At the Golden Chestnut) was originally built for František Santini Aichl, the brother of…
  • Morzinský Dům

    Morzinský House

    September 26, 2023
    The history of the originally Renaissance Morzinský House dates back to the first half of the 16th century. Like other…
  • Dům U Ducha Svatého

    The House At The Holy Spirit

    September 26, 2023
    The House At The Holy Spirit follows the paradox that in one of the busiest streets in Prague, there are…
  • Dům U Červeného Orla

    The House U Červeného orla

    September 26, 2023
    Although the first mention of the House U Červeného orla (At the Red Eagle) dates back to 1403, its appearance…