St. Joseph’s Therapeutic Garden

True tranquillity for reflection can be found by those who visit the gardens beneath Petřín Hill, just a few minutes from Prague Castle. The history of the hospital complex dates back to 1842, when the Order of the Sisters of Mercy purchased a house among the vineyards of the Strahov Premonstratensians, which later became the foundation for the future hospital. Over time, the hospital expanded to include additional wings, the Church of St. Charles Borromeo, and surrounding grounds that also began serving patients.

After the coup in 1948, the sisters were expelled by the hospital’s communist leadership, and the complex deteriorated significantly in the following years. Better times began to dawn after the turn of the millennium. In September 2022, the hospital garden underwent restoration and revitalization. New paved pathways, four new water features, and countless decorative plants and cut flowers for decorating the church were added.

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The garden also features so-called Marian beds made up of flowers that have symbolic connections to the Virgin Mary, as well as numerous sculptures of significant Christian figures. The spaces are accessible for wheelchair users and primarily serve the hospital's patients and their relatives. For this reason, the garden carries the epithet "therapeutic" in its name.
Garden routeOpening hours
Entrance from the street: entrance from Vlašská Street from the Church of St. Charles Borromeo
Entrance from the street: entrance from Vlašská Street from the Church of St. Charles Borromeo

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Opening hours:

open throughout the year