The House of Karolína Světlá
Architect: není znám
Year of completion: renesance, barokní přestavba v 1. čtvrtině 18. století
The small three-story house associated with the name of the prominent Czech writer Karolina Světlá can also be found under the names U Tří králů (At the Three Kings) or U Bílého preclíku (At the White Pretzel). It is originally a Renaissance row house that was reconstructed in the first quarter of the 18th century in the Baroque style. After World War II, it was adorned with a memorial plaque by the sculptor Marta Jirásková. Karolina Světlá was born here and spent her youth in this house. For most of her adult life, she lived on Ve Smečkách Street or in the house U Kamenného stolu (At the Stone Table) on Karlovo náměstí (Charles Square), where she eventually passed away. In her works, she extensively explored social issues, moral values, and the position of women in society. She wrote several works set in Prague’s middle-class environment, but her greatest success came from works set in rural settings, where she emphasized the rural people and strong, morally upright female characters