Jirásek Bridge
Architect: Vlastislav Hofman, František Mencl
Year of completion: 1933
Jirásek Bridge marks the culmination of the era of pre-war bridges and is also the last work of the builder František Mencl, who was involved in the construction of four other bridges in Prague. Jiráskův Bridge, whose architectural design was determined by Vlastislav Hofman, was gradually put into operation and reached its full use in 1933. The purpose of building this river crossing was to extend Resslova Street and connect it with the waterfront. On this reinforced concrete bridge, the lighting masts and the concrete railing made of prefabricated parts carrying elements of functionalism are worth noting. It is the railing that casts beautiful shadows on the sidewalk on sunny days. During World War II, the bridge was renamed Dientzenhofer Bridge. The new name was intended to commemorate a supposedly Baroque pavilion built according to the design of Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer, which was removed on the Smíchov side of the bridge. After the war, the bridge was once again named after the famous Czech writer.